First Steps in a Personal Injury Claim

Every year, many Americans are hurt in personal injury cases such as slip and falls and car accidents. No matter how they happen, they can take a tremendous toll on the victim’s life in so many different ways. But what are some things that you should take into consideration when you have been injured in a personal injury?

The Accident Occurred. Now What Should I Do?

When an accident occurs, the first person you need to think of is yourself, and the first thing you need to do is make sure you’re being taken care of. After you’ve made sure that your health has improved and you’re ready to move on, you should follow some steps to preserve your rights after an injury has taken place. This could start with collecting evidence on things that point to that may have caused the accident, as well as assessing all of the damage that was caused by the accident. You should also work on writing down everything that has happened to you after the accident, which could include medical bills or lost work wages. You should also take the steps to get the names and contact information of any witnesses that may have observed the accident. Take notes of any conversations that take place, and tell anybody you may be filing suit against that you plan on taking action against them.

If You Plan on Filing Suit, How Long Do You Have to Do So?

There is really no set time limit in which you have to notify someone on your intentions of wanting to file a lawsuit. However, this doesn’t mean that you should wait too long. You should act as quickly and efficiently as possible so that you can increase your chances of resolving your claim faster than if you delay. If you notify people of your intent to file a lawsuit, that doesn’t mean you absolutely have to do so. You just preserve your rights in doing so. If you notify the other parties, you are ensuring that you are able to proceed with negotiations regarding settlement and arbitration at your own speed, without the feeling of being rushed.

What About the Statute of Limitations?

There is actually a time limit in which you have to file your lawsuit to be compensated for your injuries. Settling personal injury claims can be very time consuming. If you fail to do this in a timely manner, you may be out of luck in collecting compensation. The statute of limitations gives you the maximum time you have to bring certain types of lawsuits. You should always check your state’s statute of limitations.

What Shouldn’t You Do After an Accident?

It is very important to not admit fault. This means that you may feel inclined to apologize for your accident, but do not do so. It may jeopardize your claim. Instead, get a police report and give a detailed description of the accident. You should also get photos of the accident scene. Avoid other missteps such as settling before you have completed all medical treatment and talking to people about the case before settlement.