
Car Crashes in New Jersey

New Jersey has always collected data on car crash incidents in the state. In June 2001, for instance, New Jersey began collecting crashes associated with cell phones, but pretty soon the state was collecting information on all crashes and causes. Over the years, New Jersey citizens could see a timeline of car crash incidents and how many fatalities were caused in their specific state. Here are some of the years included in these reports and the fatalities resulting from crashes:

  • 2000: 639
  • 2002: 670
  • 2004: 666
  • 2006: 662
  • 2008: 556
  • 2010: 516
  • 2012: 525
  • 2014: 504

As you can see from these numbers, there has been a steady decrease in the amount of fatalities stemming from car accidents. The number has decreased drastically for injuries, too – in 2000, for instance, there were 79,169 injuries caused by car crashes but in 2014, there were only 56,882. The amount of property damage from these crashes has fluctuated throughout the years, and so has the total amount of crashes. Being involved in a car crash can be extremely scary and raise a lot of questions. We can help prepare you in the event that you are involved in a car crash in New Jersey.

What Causes the Most Car Accidents?

Across the country each year, there are millions of car accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, driver error is the largest single cause of accidents each year. However, there are many reasons why driver error happens in the first place. For instance, attempting to complete many tasks at once while driving can cause driver error. An attempt at multitasking can directly affect a driver’s ability to operate a vehicle. From texting on a phone to adjusting the radio, any of these distractions can take a driver’s mind from the road and place them directly into danger.

Fatigue is also a leading cause of accidents. A fatigued driver is more likely to fall asleep while driving as well as less likely to respond to hazards on the road. There have been many cases of fatigued drivers who missed a traffic control signal such as a stop sign and breezed right on through, only to cause a car accident. Of course, there are many more contributing factors to driver error such as being under the influence or young drivers speeding when they shouldn’t be.

After Your Car Accident 

Many people may not know what to do after they have been involved in a car accident. There are always steps that you should be prepared to take in the event that a car accident occurs and leaves you and other drivers in turmoil. Here are some of the most important tips to remember:

  • Make sure that everybody is okay and call 9-1-1 when necessary.
  • Never admit liability by saying that you were sorry for the accident.
  • Talk to witnesses and get contact information from bystanders.
  • Take pictures for the insurance company.
  • Do not automatically accept the first estimate or offer you get for damages.
  • Hire a useful and experienced attorney for your case.

After a car accident, you may have many questions. You may not know where to turn or be dealing with huge damages or a pending lawsuit. If this is the case, you should have an experienced New Jersey personal injury attorney on your side. Call Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi today. We will help answer your questions about your car accident and help you receive the compensation you deserve.