determining your medical malpractice claim

Determining Your Medical Malpractice Claim

When you have been injured at the hands of a physician, nurse, or other medical worker, you may be able to bring a claim. However, these cases can be much more complex than they actually seem on the surface. Unfortunately, there are many different types of medical malpractice claims so you must sit back and ask yourself some questions. What type of case do you have? Was the physician actually negligent? What type of damages do you hope to receive? Will you need an attorney? These are questions we will help you answer today, as well as help you determine if you have a case.

Different Types of Claims

Were you misdiagnosed by hospital staff or doctors over a period of time? Did a doctor act negligently while they were delivering your child and now they have sustained serious injuries? If so, you may have a claim. Here are some of the various claims you may come into contact with:

  • Misdiagnosis: Many physicians may “miss” or “misdiagnose” diseases or conditions like tumors or masses inside the body, heart attacks, blood clots in the lung, or heart disease.
  • Negligence Affecting Pregnancy and Childbirth: A lot can go wrong during the pregnancy and delivery process. Sometimes, mistakes by a doctor lead to issues that can affect the baby and mother. Every year, medical malpractice claims are filed because of excessive and unexplained vaginal bleeding, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, surgical negligence during a C-section, and more.
  • Mistakes With Prescription Drugs: Medication errors come to be when a physician administers the wrong medication, too much, or too little. In some case, a nurse or a pharmacy may be at fault for these cases as well.
  • Surgical Errors: All too often, people will be injured during surgery. Sometimes a doctor will perform the wrong surgery, operate on the wrong body part, or leave a foreign object such as a surgical sponge inside the body.

medical malpractice lawyer

What To Do Next

Now that you understand whether or not you have a case based on your circumstances, there are some steps that you must take to retain your rights. First of all, you must ask yourself if compensation is necessary in your case. Were you injured and suffered outstanding medical bills or missed time at work? Are you losing out financially? Then you may want to file a claim. It’s also a good idea to file a claim when a doctor has acted in gross negligence, to act as a deterrent for the future.

The best step you can take to retain your rights is speak to an attorney about your medical malpractice claim. Choosing an attorney may seem like a trial in itself, but you will get the help you need in the long run. Be honest with your attorney about all of the details surrounding your case such as reporting about all doctor’s visits, prescriptions, and the environment in the facility the day the mistake occurred. Call us today if you need help with your medical malpractice case – we have the experience!