the role the insurance company plays in your personal injury case

The Role the Insurance Company Plays in Your Personal Injury Case

You were injured in a severe car accident and left with injuries that will impact you for a long time. Because of this, you aren’t quite sure where to turn. In dealing with a personal injury claim, you are automatically launched into a world of witnesses, trials, and more – with insurance companies making important decisions that will dictate the outcome of your case. One of the first steps in making a claim starts with the insurance company, and an adjuster – but who are adjusters?

Claims Adjusters

Insurance claims adjusters are professionals who are hired by insurance companies. They are dispatched to a car accident scene as soon as the accident has happened in an attempt to ascertain the damage amounts and injuries that have stemmed from the accident. Adjusters begin their work when they get a closer look at the vehicles involved in the accident, which consists of taking photographs and other similar information relating to the crash. In some cases, the adjuster may be send to interview the parties, or witnesses such as other passengers or people who were present when the accident occurred. This typically tends to happen in cases where the personal injuries are significant.

However, when you are dealing with a personal injury case, one thing that you must always remember is that you should never give your detailed information to the claims adjuster regarding your injuries. If you speak to them about these details, you could affect your ability to get a claim resolution as expected. For instance, you may accidentally give them information that will lead to them suspecting that you are actually at fault for your own accident – and then your claim may not be settled at all.

Because these cases can be complicated and there are many things you should and should not do, it pays to speak with an attorney about your case. Call us today for more information on how we can guide you through the delicate process and help you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries.