Your Concussions May Fade, But Slowed Blood Flow in the Brain Remains: Concussion News

In recent news, it was found that football players who suffer a concussion could show signs of reduced blood flow in the brain after symptoms have subsided. This is found when an advanced MRI is used to show lower blood flow in the brain eight days after the injury. The football players claimed that their symptoms were gone by that point; however, this didn’t stop the blood flow from slowing. The problem with the study is that there were only 18 athletes involved in the study, which makes the results too early to mean too much. They are not sure if it will indicate a window of cerebral brain vulnerability or not.

It is not really clear as of yet if the blood flow change is something that needs to be worried about. As far as that goes, it is also too soon to tell parents or doctors what to do about it. Concussions are still a huge concern for teen athletes in middle and high school. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more than 248,000 U.S. children and teens end up in the emergency room every year because they sustain a concussion during sports or other physical activities. Concussions cause symptoms like headaches that gradually worsen, nausea, dizziness, confusion, and irritability. There are especially many high-profile cases in which professional football players suffer long-term damage because of blows they receive often to the head.

The biggest thing researchers want to know in the future is: How long does this reduced blood flow last? What does it mean, furthermore? When one of these accidents occurs, the best thing a parent can do is to seek help from a professional with expertise in concussion. It is also important to note that keeping kids out of contact sports will not eliminate the risk of concussion, as many still happen from everyday falls.

New Jersey Sports Concussion Safety
On December 7, 2010, New Jersey’s youth sports concussion safety law went into effect. This includes the following:

  • Education and Mandatory Training: An interscholastic athletic head injury training program must be completed by school physicians, all those who coach a sport, and athletic trainers involved in a public or private interscholastic school program. The program must also be updated regularly to ensure that it reflects the most current information available on the risks and treatment of concussions and other head injuries.
  • Informed Consent to Play: The Department of Education is required to produce an educational fact sheet about sports-related concussions to distribute to parents.
  • Immediate Removal if Concussion is Suspected: If an athlete is suspected of having a concussion, then they must be removed from the game.
  • Return to Play After Medical Clearance: The athlete with the concussion is not allowed to return to play until after the athlete has been evaluated by a physician. The athlete must also receive written clearance to return to practice and competition.
  • Immunity From Liability: School districts and private schools will be immune from liability for injury and death occurring if the youth sports team provides the district with proof of insurance in an amount not less than $50,000 per person and with a statement of compliance.

If you or a loved one has sustained an injury from a concussion and believe you have a case, you should speak to an attorney that you can trust. Call MDL in New Jersey or New York today for a consultation. They will work with you and answer any questions you might have surrounding a case.