Why we Celebrate the Life of Martin Luther King Jr.

In a time of segregation, Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for his nation and gave amazing lectures on nonviolent protest and civil rights as well as actively meeting with religious figures, activists, political leaders, and more. He organized an event that gripped the hearts of many known as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, which was a peaceful political rally that would shed light on the injustices that were still wreaking havoc in the lives of many African American people’s lives as they fought for rights within our country. If you have learned the history of Martin Luther King Jr. either in a classroom or what you read in history, you have heard of his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, which calls for peace and equality that many consider a masterpiece of rhetoric. So why do we celebrate this day in history and why is it significant to us?

The truth is, there is a greater meaning to the holiday than you may understand at face value. Once in a lifetime, somebody comes along to teach us timeless values that we can take with us as we march through life and some of the most important values that affect us everyday such as courage, truth, justice, and compassion for other human beings. The biggest reason why we celebrate this special day is because Dr. King had some of the most inspiring words that led an entire nation during the days of Civil Rights and injustices, when equality was becoming one of the most important aspects of everybody’s lives.

Bringing People Together

No matter what background you come from, commemorating this day means that you are remembering the spirit of interracial and intercultural cooperation and sharing as it is meant to be now and in the future of America, as these are the values that we have instilled in our beautiful country. It is not a holiday for one single race; no, this is not what Martin Luther King Jr. would have wanted. Instead, it stands as a day for all people to remember how we must unite on a global level and celebrate a greater vision of the world, just as Dr. King saw it through his own eyes. He taught us compassion and to take a stand without violence, and this is what we must remember as we march on.